The Father's Glory



Of old the prophets spoke of God,
His greatness and his glory,
Who made the galaxies afar
Who knows the name of every star
Who bids the nations rise and fall
Who reigns as sovereign over all:
The prophets told his story.

Creation, judgement, life and death -
All things are in his hand,
There is no other God, not one,
No other King, no other throne,
No one who with him compares,
No one his power and glory shares:
None by his side can stand.

Salvation comes from him alone
There is no other Saviour
Who has the due authority
From sin’s dark pit to set us free
From judgement to bring sweet release
For guilt to substitute deep peace:
Just wrath replace with favour.

But now we see a baby born,
God in flesh concealed:
Just a little baby crying
In the manger weakly lying
Needing now a mother’s care
Must be carried everywhere:
Yet in this is revealed:

The greatest of the Father’s glory
The ultimate salvation story
The deepest mysteries of God’s grace
As we see God with human face
And from this Christ Child understand
Redemption from for ever planned:
The perfect One, the perfect Son,
Through whom sin’s curse is now undone.

As I recall the Christmas story:
Incarnation, hidden glory,
Human flesh: may I here see
The Father’s love come down for me.

© Rosemary Bardsley 2011, 2022