7 The Church - the Dwelling Place of God



The New Testament teaches that the church, both individually and corporately, is the dwelling place of God:

This divine indwelling was promised by Jesus Christ in John 14:14-31; 15:26; 16:5-16. There he told his disciples that he and the Father would send the Spirit to live in them, and that the presence of the Spirit within them is also the presence of the Father and the Son within them:

The indwelling Spirit is God’s mark of ownership on individual members of the church, and his guarantee of their present and permanent salvation:

The indwelling Spirit affirms the unique and intimate relationship between believers and God:

The indwelling Spirit mediates the believer’s access to God and communication with God:

The indwelling Spirit is in the process of transforming believers into the image of Christ, a process that was predicted in the Old Testament:

Copyright Rosemary Bardsley 2009, 2021