Study Five Worksheet


© Rosemary Bardsley 2014

#1 The principle of integrity:
Study these passages. How do they describe the integrity that God requires in his people? What are the implications of each verse for your life as a servant of God?
Exodus 20:15

Exodus 22:1-15

Psalm 51:6a

Proverbs 6:17, 19

Matthew 22:21

1 Corinthians 5:8

Ephesians 4:25

Ephesians 4:28

#2: The principle of contentment: Look at these Scriptures. How is discontentment expressed in these passages? What lesson about contentment can we learn from them?
Genesis 3 :4-6

Exodus 16 :1-8

Exodus 17 :2

Exodus 20:17

Numbers 11:1-3

Numbers 14:1-12

Psalm 106:24-27

Philippians 2:14-15

Philippians 4:11-13

James 4:1-6

#3 Identify the difficulties you would face in applying the principle of contentment in your life and ministry.






#4 Money and my relationship with God:  Discussion point: What do these passages teach you about the connection between your attitude to money/wealth/poverty/ possessions and your relationship with God?
Matthew 6:19-24

Matthew 13:22

Mark 10:17-31

Luke 12:13-21

Luke 16:1-15

Luke 16:19-31

Luke 19:1-10

#5 Discuss and answer the following questions:
What are the fundamental differences between Biblical financial principles and the world’s financial principles?


Suggest why Jesus had so much to say about money.


What is the connection between the way we use money and our level of trustworthiness and honesty?


What proportion of an average Australian’s time is devoted to either getting or spending money/wealth?


Read 1Timothy 6:3-10. What does it teach about contentment and discontentment?


What is God’s opinion of discontentment? [Read Exodus 15:24; 16:3-11; 17:1-7; Numbers 11:1-3]


Read Romans 8:35. How does it impact our attitude to money?


What perspective about poverty and wealth does Philippians 4:10-13 command?


#6: The Bible and giving
Read and discuss the scriptures listed under ‘Biblical perspectives on giving’. Look for  

Attitude or approach to giving


Reason for giving


Amount given


To whom it was given.